Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Not A Goodbye At All

Well, well, well, it's that time of the year when you throw all your papers and books you unwillingly paid for up in the air!
Just kidding, I can get money back for those and the papers can be recycled.
Plus it is not exactly the end of the semester yet so I kinda need all that stuff.
Anyways, by no means is this a goodbye. I will tell you why after I answer a couple of other things first. 
(I bet you are all dying to know.)

Did I like blogging?

You have got to be kidding me... no.
I loved it! Ever since we started this whole blog project in the past semester it has always intrigued me so much!
I don't know why but when I am writing I feel like I'm actually talking to someone, call me crazy or whatever, but in my mind as I type I envision me doing all these hand gestures and faces to show my emotion in my head and magically it transfers on to here. So yes I really liked blogging, and have found it be one of my new passions. 

Did I take the blogging experience seriously?

Well, you guys know how I am by now. Would you call all of this (gestures to self with pointing finger) serious? I think yes! So to answer this shortly, yes I took my blog very seriously by letting the colors of my personality seep through to prove points in which needed to be proved. 
Does that make sense? Yes? Okay!

Did I learn anything by blogging for class?

Yes, I learned tons of rhetoric and how to make topics interesting and poignant for a diverse audience. Not just these people or these people, I wanted my blog to entertain and reach out to all kinds of people, female or male. I also learned that to reach out to an audience especially in the blogging community you need to not make it so personal, write, learn, and retry till you start getting better results. 

Do you think blogging was useful or valuable?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, 3 hours later, yes. 
For me blogging wasn't just a set of assignments I needed to do in order to get a good grade in class. I blogged because I liked it, I found myself thinking, "oh! what should I write about next?" I also in a way think blogging is a form of therapy, you are pretty much venting out your opinion to a nonphysically present audience. I mean shyness goes right out the door on that. Your confidence grows, you feel relived, and you feel happy when you get good responses. Of course it's valuable and useful. Not just for your mental health. (Insert creepy smile here) But in all seriousness, blogging is the shit. 


I have said this before Prof. Nielson and I will say it again, the blog project is perfect!
No need to adjust it in any way whatsoever! Just keep doing it, that I do suggest, do not stop this overall project thing you got going on. It's awesome!

Okay now for the moment you have all been waiting for!
Well, more like I have been waiting for!

I am proud to announce .... drum roll....

Yes! You read right! I have been working for the past several days on it and finally it us up! My very own blog. I know it might not seem like it but this is very exciting for me. I have always wanted to make my own blog and just dive in to the community of blogging.
I honestly couldn't have done it without the encouragement of all the people around me, as well as you guys and your very positive comments. So thank you so much! I really hope you visit my blog every now and then.
It has yet to have the template installed to it, but I have also been working on that very hard and can't wait till it's actually installed. Once it's installed I'll start blogging away! 
I haven't yet 100% agreed with myself as to what my blog is actually going to consist of but I know for sure it is going to have tons of book reviews, songs of the week, monthly favorites, DIY'S, little stories, and all that jazz. Picture a sweet little rose with comfy petals you can just relax in and enjoy. That's kinda what I want my blog to project,  a safe sweet place to go. 

As I have made this see ya' later a little long, it's safe to say see ya later! 
I hope to see you over on my blog and giving me feed back on it!
That would be very much appreciated.
Again, thank you guys so much.
Seriously your words will stay with me always.

Love, Rosa.


  1. How exciting to start your own official blog!! I have been thinking about it, but I am not sure what I would blog about. Good Luck on your new adventure!!

    1. I know, it can definitely be intimidating. It took me about a year and half to finally be like, Rosa, stop making up excuses and do it. Now that I have, I honestly feel so excited, even though I'm a bit afraid of having "stage fright" if that makes any sense. But I got to do it! And if you ever do decide on making one let me know! :)

  2. Rosa--Great final entry. Thanks for the comments and feedback. I am glad you found so much value in the blog project. And congrats on the new blog! I am very excited for you! Go get the world!
