Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm excited!

I am kinda really excited for this summer. 
Like really really really excited!
The last time I was on a plane was almost three years ago. 
That saddens me quite a lot.
But wait no more!
Because this summer I will be stepping foot on a plane and going off on vacation
for a whole month!
As if that weren't exciting enough, my destination might just throw you over the edge.
(Well throw ME over the edge)
Most of my family is from Mexico, most of them still live there, the last time I saw them was 8 years ago. It's been quite a while you could say.
 My siblings have never even gone to say the least. 
That is what makes this trip so exciting you could say, I finally get to reunite with everyone and my siblings finally get to meet everyone!

Where will I be going, you ask?

San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco
(ain't that a mouthful)

Is there another word I can use besides excited? ecstatic! bouncing of the walls!

This was pretty much me and my siblings when we found out.

Once it all sank in.

Once it all sank in a little more . . 

And finally every other day when we remember we are going in a month.

And like always here are some pictures, that will clearly show you this little towns beauty more than I could ever explain it.

 (The main plaza.) That little pointy thing you see in the middle is zoomed in below. It is used for small performances, but mostly for the entertainment of children. :)

 (The main church)
(The view from many different lands/hills/mountains look like this one. A birds eye view, almost)

Boy oh boy I literally can't wait. 
I'm trying to be patient I really am, but every time I look at the calendar and see how many days are left I can't help but . . 

With that I say, see ya' later!


  1. That is super exciting! I haven't seen my family in seven years and before that I hadn't seen them in fifteen years. As you know, I am from Bosnia and it is just so expense to go. I hope you have a great time and enjoy your vacation. My fiance and I will be going to VEGAS for memorial day weekend. I am SO EXCITED! I need a vacation.

    1. Wow, I bet it is expensive to go all the way over there. It sucks how long we can go without seeing our loved ones. :/ And wow! I'm so excited for you! You deserve this trip! Really you do, I hope you have tons of fun! :)

  2. Rosa--You continue to write engaging, thoughtful, interesting entries with good analysis and visual appeal. Great job on these 4 newest additions to your blog. You really do a nice job connecting to your reader.
