Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Not A Goodbye At All

Well, well, well, it's that time of the year when you throw all your papers and books you unwillingly paid for up in the air!
Just kidding, I can get money back for those and the papers can be recycled.
Plus it is not exactly the end of the semester yet so I kinda need all that stuff.
Anyways, by no means is this a goodbye. I will tell you why after I answer a couple of other things first. 
(I bet you are all dying to know.)

Did I like blogging?

You have got to be kidding me... no.
I loved it! Ever since we started this whole blog project in the past semester it has always intrigued me so much!
I don't know why but when I am writing I feel like I'm actually talking to someone, call me crazy or whatever, but in my mind as I type I envision me doing all these hand gestures and faces to show my emotion in my head and magically it transfers on to here. So yes I really liked blogging, and have found it be one of my new passions. 

Did I take the blogging experience seriously?

Well, you guys know how I am by now. Would you call all of this (gestures to self with pointing finger) serious? I think yes! So to answer this shortly, yes I took my blog very seriously by letting the colors of my personality seep through to prove points in which needed to be proved. 
Does that make sense? Yes? Okay!

Did I learn anything by blogging for class?

Yes, I learned tons of rhetoric and how to make topics interesting and poignant for a diverse audience. Not just these people or these people, I wanted my blog to entertain and reach out to all kinds of people, female or male. I also learned that to reach out to an audience especially in the blogging community you need to not make it so personal, write, learn, and retry till you start getting better results. 

Do you think blogging was useful or valuable?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, 3 hours later, yes. 
For me blogging wasn't just a set of assignments I needed to do in order to get a good grade in class. I blogged because I liked it, I found myself thinking, "oh! what should I write about next?" I also in a way think blogging is a form of therapy, you are pretty much venting out your opinion to a nonphysically present audience. I mean shyness goes right out the door on that. Your confidence grows, you feel relived, and you feel happy when you get good responses. Of course it's valuable and useful. Not just for your mental health. (Insert creepy smile here) But in all seriousness, blogging is the shit. 


I have said this before Prof. Nielson and I will say it again, the blog project is perfect!
No need to adjust it in any way whatsoever! Just keep doing it, that I do suggest, do not stop this overall project thing you got going on. It's awesome!

Okay now for the moment you have all been waiting for!
Well, more like I have been waiting for!

I am proud to announce .... drum roll....

Yes! You read right! I have been working for the past several days on it and finally it us up! My very own blog. I know it might not seem like it but this is very exciting for me. I have always wanted to make my own blog and just dive in to the community of blogging.
I honestly couldn't have done it without the encouragement of all the people around me, as well as you guys and your very positive comments. So thank you so much! I really hope you visit my blog every now and then.
It has yet to have the template installed to it, but I have also been working on that very hard and can't wait till it's actually installed. Once it's installed I'll start blogging away! 
I haven't yet 100% agreed with myself as to what my blog is actually going to consist of but I know for sure it is going to have tons of book reviews, songs of the week, monthly favorites, DIY'S, little stories, and all that jazz. Picture a sweet little rose with comfy petals you can just relax in and enjoy. That's kinda what I want my blog to project,  a safe sweet place to go. 

As I have made this see ya' later a little long, it's safe to say see ya later! 
I hope to see you over on my blog and giving me feed back on it!
That would be very much appreciated.
Again, thank you guys so much.
Seriously your words will stay with me always.

Love, Rosa.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm excited!

I am kinda really excited for this summer. 
Like really really really excited!
The last time I was on a plane was almost three years ago. 
That saddens me quite a lot.
But wait no more!
Because this summer I will be stepping foot on a plane and going off on vacation
for a whole month!
As if that weren't exciting enough, my destination might just throw you over the edge.
(Well throw ME over the edge)
Most of my family is from Mexico, most of them still live there, the last time I saw them was 8 years ago. It's been quite a while you could say.
 My siblings have never even gone to say the least. 
That is what makes this trip so exciting you could say, I finally get to reunite with everyone and my siblings finally get to meet everyone!

Where will I be going, you ask?

San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco
(ain't that a mouthful)

Is there another word I can use besides excited? ecstatic! bouncing of the walls!

This was pretty much me and my siblings when we found out.

Once it all sank in.

Once it all sank in a little more . . 

And finally every other day when we remember we are going in a month.

And like always here are some pictures, that will clearly show you this little towns beauty more than I could ever explain it.

 (The main plaza.) That little pointy thing you see in the middle is zoomed in below. It is used for small performances, but mostly for the entertainment of children. :)

 (The main church)
(The view from many different lands/hills/mountains look like this one. A birds eye view, almost)

Boy oh boy I literally can't wait. 
I'm trying to be patient I really am, but every time I look at the calendar and see how many days are left I can't help but . . 

With that I say, see ya' later!

Monday, April 14, 2014

#9 The Void Known as Media

As I grow older I can't help but think how technology is making and breaking us all at the same time.
I don't know where I stand when it comes to this subject, simply because I remember growing up and not having much of it then.
I grew up reading hard copy books, being in school with no sight of a computer in the classroom, having a CD player (that technology had barely been birthed into the world and it was like woah). 
I guess what I am trying to say is I feel like I've lost more than gained when it comes to technology.

Don't get me wrong I like technology and what it has done for us in the aspect of our health and our economy.
I mean it keeps us alive and it keeps us out of poverty.
But i can't help but wonder the ways it causes health problems and economical problems.
Do you feel my confusion?
Essentially I like to treat technology as a long lost friend. One that I am happy to greet when it comes around but also one I don't really spend much time with. (Well try not to, since technology is literally on you 24/7).

Maybe pictures could explain it better. 

I don't know. I guess you could say I adapted. Living in 2014, you almost have no choice, technology is everywhere.
I try not to adapt too much.
I still read hard copy books, I write hand written letters and send them out.
I love to sit outside and just enjoy fresh air, I like to go on walks, I like to talk to people face to face, I like to draw and play guitar.

I need to enjoy those things before they are completely extinct. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I don't think I've told you all what my little addiction is, but maybe by the title you have figured it out.
Yes, tea is my sweet addiction.
I know it's a bit weird but, hey at least it isn't coffee or illegal substances (this is where you chuckle a little).
I mean just look at it . . .

Hey, hey snap out of it, snap out of the trance that picture put you in.
If it makes you feel better go make a cup right now, I'm sure the taste buds will be put at ease instead of being teased. 
Okay, now that I have your attention we can go on about what this post is really about.

Tea and all its different kinds! Oh the joy.

Let's start off with my favorites!


The smell of this tea can literally relax me at first whiff. I love the way it smells, it's one of my favorite things about it. The reasons I drink this tea (besides the fact that it is one of my favorites and can literally drink it 24/7) is to calm my anxiety and help me sleep. There's something about this tea that will literally relax you in mind and body. It will also help you sleep rather comfortably, a must if you have trouble sleeping like me.


Oh dear peppermint, I love thee. This is one of those teas I can literally feel cleansing my body as I drink it. The feeling is great, the taste is great, the smell is soothing. Need I say much more? 
I usually drink this tea when I want to relax (ladies, this does wonders in the act of getting rid of cramps), and detox my body of all the yucky stuff, cause ladies and gentlemen, this tea is one to help you in the number two department if you know what I mean (awkwardly winks), in plain words . . .

(But I mostly drink it because it taste soo good, I think this is a killing two birds with one stone moment.)

Green Tea

Now to be completely honest, I am not really in love with the way green tea tastes, I mean it's delicious but it isn't OMG delicious. Green tea is in my favorites simply because it gets rid of my queezy stomach aches. There is literally some kind of magic fairy dust in this tea because it can literally put my tummy to rest within 20 minutes if not less. I guess that makes sense, green tea is usually consumed to boost your metabolism and burn fat (directly in the tummy area!) it also keeps your energy up and relaxes/slows your heart rate. (Really all teas are in some way good for your heart).


I recently just tried this tea and the fact that you normally don't put the roses in the tea bag made me a little iffy about it, because ya know, I don't want to get rose petals stuck in my braces and have it look like my gums all of a sudden decided to enlarge. But let me tell you . . . the second those little roses hit the water, the smell is just . . . just so . . . I can literally shove my face in the water if it weren't so hot. Talk about aroma therapy. After that, I wouldn't mind swimming in a sea of rose petals. Who cares about enlarged looking gums, I drank my tea and it was worth it. This tea as you could tell, just made me feel a bit more alive, it made me feel happy and cozy all at once. Such a great to start the day or end it. 

Now teas I would like to try . . .


Another tea that also speeds up your metabolism and slims down your waist (always a bonus). Oolong is also known to be great for your skin, heart burn, and high cholesterol.


We all know the smell of lavender is meant to make you feel sleepy, or at least it's suppose to. Lavender is said to make you fall asleep at the drop of a hat, it is an insomnia relief (I can't believe I haven't tried this tea yet). Lavender also reduces stress, anxiety, and can make your migraine less intense an settle it. I need about a life time supply of lavender please. I'm dying to try this.


The ability of all teas are miracle like, but if any took the gold to what they do, it would be white tea. White tea contains more polyphenols, a powerful anti-oxidant that fights and kills cancer than any other tea. Now I'm not saying white tea is going to cure cancer, but it would be great in preventing it and fighting it. Also because of that white tea can also help you strengthen your immune system and help you fight of viruses or dangerous infection causing bacteria. White tea is quite more expensive than any other tea, for it's little super powers and known "silky" taste. Just talking about it makes me want to cry a little, the urge to try these teas is beyond my tears. (This is how you know you are addicted, it's okay you can chuckle a little, I too chuckle at what I have succumbed to).

Well, for now, that is all. I hope you found this post helpfully in more ways than not. I urge you to try tea, and if so you get addicted. It was not my fault. 
But please let me know what kind of teas you enjoy, hate, or have yet to want to try. 
Remember, tea is like a hug in a cup. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

#7 Capitalism

Capitalism: A Love Story
By: Michael Moore

More like a love story gone wrong.

Capitalism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

When searching for a picture of the movie cover to kindly insert here I came across other pictures that caught my attention much more...

Before I get into those pictures I would like to talk a bit about the film that brought them to me.

Capitalism is a tough tough tough subject to touch on, I say that because as I write this I can't decide if capitalism does more bad than good. 
Watching this film Moore's purpose is to convince you it is an all out con.
If I were completely clueless as to what capitalism was and I watched this film, I would be 100% convinced that capitalism is the most heartless monster I ever encountered. 
Why? Because let me tell you, Moore uses rhetoric like there is no tomorrow, and with the way he exposed capitalism, there might not be.
I think Moore's rhetoric strongly focused on Pathos and Logos but also did consist of some Ethos. In a way he also used humor as a form of rhetoric and I must say props to him. Most wouldn't think humor would be used with the subject of capitalism, simply because you would think he's not taking it seriously. In his own way he made all of those elements rather well.
I will admit after watching this film, Moore had me. It really made me think of capitalism as the monster, but even then I was still at a crossroads with it.
So I made a list. A pros and cons list.
Oh yeah.

-Economic Freedom
-Economic Growth

-Monopoly Power
-Monopsony Power
-Social benefit ignored
-Inhereted Wealth and Wealth Inequality
-Inequality creates social division
-Boom and bust cylces (boom there goes our economy↑,  bust there it went.)

(All of which Moore made us think about.)
Now you tell me, monster or not?
I then came across this picture . . .

Like I said, Capitalism is a back and forth thing that is a winner and a loser at the same time it is a monster. 
In all honesty, this topic makes me feel exhausted. 
Now I see why hippies wanted to be hippies.
Why can't we all just share and treat others how we want to be treated?
It really is that hard.
Typing all of this out and watching the film, still I am in the in between. 
Let me know your opinions, what you think, and feel.
Or if you just want to become a hippie just as bad as me.

"Flower Power" is a historic photograph taken by photographer Bernie Boston. Although it was a time during the Vietnam war. . . the need for peace was and is still needed.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

This weeks playlist.

So I thought it would be cool to share with you all the music I've been enjoying most this week, which is quite a few . . . can you blame me?
Good music is hard to stop listening to!

Believer - American Authors
Great song to pump you up and radiate positive vibes! 

Cardiac Arrest - Bad Suns
Great rhythm, very catchy, and thought provoking. 

Always Where I Need To Be - The Kooks
Do me a favor and dance to this one!

All Of Me - John Legend ft. Lindsey Sterling
This isn't the original but I think it might be better. The violin is just mesmerizing! 

Such Small Hands - La Dispute
This might not be everyone's cup of tea type of music. It's very raw, very true, and very real. 

5 Years Time - Noah and the Whale
A very 'smiley" song. :)

9 Crimes - Damien Rice
Emotion filled, lovely in all of its aspects!

See You Tonight - Scotty McCreery
What can I say. . . I like a little country in my life.

Sail - Awolnation
I'm not going to lie this song will make you feel badass.

Last but not least. . .
German Roads - General Fiasco
His voice never seizes to amaze me. 

Enjoy blueberries! Let me know what songs you've been into! 
See you soon!

Entry #5 Wall-E !

Wall-E, Wall-E, Wall-E.
A movie dearest to a lot of us I think. 
Now I have to say, I posted about this movie awhile ago now almost a year later . . .
Things seem to be going the way I predicted. Worse.
(Yes I'm going to post the same picture as I did last time simply because it is relevant.)
I think this clip makes us all feel the same and react the same.
Guilty, scared, ashamed, sad, but most of all driven.
Driven to not let this be our future. 
Don't get me wrong I think technology is a beautiful thing, but when it is taken advantage of that, that is when it becomes a problem. 
Now a days I see two year old children playing around with Ipads and smart phones. 
I find that very sad.
What ever happened to simply just playing old board games, completing puzzles, playing tag, or even heads down thumbs up? 
I think technology could either make us or break us.
And by the looks of it, well it isn't looking so good.
From last year to this year technology keeps advancing.
As it keeps advancing I see more people fighting to keep the old ways alive.
I think in a world where now there is too much technology it is okay to cut back a bit. Who said we can't have both?
Every time I see this clip I can't help but flinch a bit. 
Because I admit I catch myself being lazy and watching TV for a good while or being glued to my phone. 
I put a time limit on my use of these technologies and when I know I've passed it a little voice inside my head screams . . .

Don't give into it! 

And we won't blueberries, we have to try to branch out and not give in. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Netflix. An obsession that takes over our lives.
If you aren't completely taken over by this website . . . deactivate now 
before it is too late. 

Now for those of you in which it is too late for and you are completely mesmerized by this website, well you know the struggle.
The struggle of spending an hour searching for something to watch, you don't give up of coarse, you keep searching and searching. It is okay, take a deep breath, don't panic.
As a fellow "netflix-er" myself I have spent quite a while searching and searching as well.
I thought I would share with you all some of my good picks.
So you know the struggle will be less of a struggle. :)

Starting off with movies.

Stuck In Love

I have to say this movie is raw and realistic. So if you are looking for some good humor yet appealing emotions and raw life situations. This one is it!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

This is quite an old film, so you may have seen it quite a while ago. 
And yes that is Leonardo Dicaprio. His first film in fact. Wow is all I can say, wow.
Might I add I was bawling like a baby at the end as well as proud. 
That wouldn't make sense unless you watched it . . . just sayin'.

The Host

Now, I have to admit, I was a bit reluctant on watching this simply because I heard harsh reviews on it.
But . . . it's actually not that bad. I mean it isn't the greatest movie of all time. But it will keep your attention, keep you wanting to know what's next, it appeals to you. I admit it made me cry, and now that we established I'm an overly sentimental baby, I can say any movie that makes me cry is a good one.

The Croods

I'm sorry but I enjoy watching animated movies like the 5-year old I know I am deep down inside. 
I always feel like "children's movies" are not just for children. 
They're entertaining, funny, and have great lessons hidden inside them.
This one is definitely one of those.

Now for televisions series.


If you already are not ADDICTED to this show . . . 
I don't know what to say. 
Like . . . are you okay? Are you feeling well? When was the last time you went to the doctor 
to get a plain ol' check up? 
In all seriousness, this show will become your life. Literally, you'll feel like a hunter and think like a hunter. This show will have ALL of your emotions completely invested in it, all whilst you laugh.
Watch. It.

Grey's Anatomy

I know this show might not be for everyone simply because there's always that type of person that is like . . . "But the medical aspect is wrong! That isn't even possible, never in a million years can that ever happen!." Well guess what I don't care! The emotions and the love and the advice and strength this show is all about . . . THAT, that is real. And that is why I almost cry in every episode, that is why I love it.

The Walking Dead

You've watched this right . . tell me you have, you must have had at least watched one episode?
30 minutes? 5?
At first I was like, no everyone is watching it, I'm not going to follow the crowd.
Boy was I stupid. 
Let me tell you I watched all three seasons that were currently on Netflix at the time in 2 weeks.
I'm not even ashamed. This show will hook you. It will HOOK you!!
This is the type of show that will leave you mad for days, leave you mad when the season finally comes, leave you mad every time horrific comes. But it will also make you happy and fill you with excitement. (Also one to make me cry.)

Once Upon a Time

This show is just awesome. The details and the fact that it is about classic fairy tales in a modern world is just . . . mind blowing. A must to watch.

The Vampire Diaries

There's only so much I can say to give this series justice but it won't. You simply need to watch it and trust that you did good by it.


Skins (E4)

Skins is a UK series but you can still find it in the US Netflix. 
If it is any show that is out there that is truthfully raw to this generations teens it is this one. 
Definitely this one.
Your heart will be just in this series and it will feel EVERYTHING.
watch it . . . please.

I can honestly keep going but I think either you've abandoned my post to go sign up for 
Netflix or watch some of these movies or series listed above.
I don't blame you.
Anyways I hope you enjoy some of these and let me know what you think!
Let me know also know some of your favorite movies or series on Netflix.  
Lessen the struggle blueberries.
See you later!