Sunday, February 17, 2013

Entry#4 Moo? More LIke, Mahhhadka.. *Butchered*

Over the years of school I have been shown many of these films like Food Inc.
Let me tell you it doesn't matter how many you watch, it doesn't make it any easier watching the next one. 
I can watch all the informative ones and be okay with the shock that comes with it but put in a dying, tortured, and being slautered animal and im done! 
I just can't stand seeing animals being abused. It beyond angers me. Animals don't have a voice they can't tell you what they are feeling. I see animals as humans. Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be treated like that? Uh no. Even if they are a big part of our diet there are tons of better ways to get the job done.
I bet you anything everyone prefers this. . .

Over this . . . yet we all settle for it. ?
(Sorry guys I couldn't bare to see the images that would pop up if I had searched, "cow being slaughtered.")
We all know this happens. But I think we chose to ignore it, just because it's good and cheaper. Rather than shopping organic we support the above. We know all this is inhumane already, don't get me started on how unhealty it is. Can you imagine all the hormones and drugs given tho these animals and how they are uncared for, the diseases and bacteria they have? Yeah it ends up on your plate some how some way.
We have to try and change the way we eat in order to save ourselves and mother nature. She gives so much and all we do is take take take. Can you come to think of how everything was done back then before all these factories and technology, where we hunted the food we ate and were at one with the nature and it's pure soil? So natural . . . so organic.


  1. I agree with you about being cheap because I know there are many people that know the dangers but still buy unhealthy food. It may seem beneficial now but during the long run people might end up regretting their food choices.

    1. Yes it's sad that this happens, I wonder what has to happen for people to actually change.
