Monday, March 4, 2013

Entry#6 Bye?

Well I suppose this is farewell for now. Blogging was really something I enjoyed doing overall I think it was my favorite thing to do! :)
I took it seriously to a certain extent. . . I would say. Blogging was a great way to vent out my thoughts and opinions, all the assignments given taught me plenty. It was like a class discussion except it was in fancy writing and online. In my opinion I think all classes should do this! Could you imagine how productive they'd be? Very, Prof. Chris I can honestly say you have a good thing going here. :) Don't change anything about it, I'm pretty sure future students will love the idea of blogging, I know I did. 

Well I was going to do another self generated assignment but I can see I can Incorporate it to this blog entry. 
Since this is somewhat a goodbye to all you following along I thought it would be cool to share the quotes I carry around in my little brown journal. 
I never leave home without it and when inspiration strikes or a quote appears I write it down. Or when I need some cheering up I go back through them.
They get me by. 

Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive.
- The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom, Page 164

As I crossed the street, my sister yelled out the window. "Do you want us to bring you a cone?" and I thought, "You're so stupid Roberta cones melt."
- For One More Day, Mitch Albom, Page 84

You will never love someone as much as you miss them.

When something goes wrong . . . say trust is hurt or damaged. 
You try hard as hell to fix it.
When it's worth fixing. 
You try.
Never give up. 
-Meredith Grey, Greys Anatomy

It is a risk to fall in love. What if it doesn't work out? 
Ah, but what if it does. 
- Peter McWilliams

Goodbyes always make my throat hurt . . . I need more hellos.
-Charlie Brown

Well with that I say see you later blueberries.~

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nostalgia. ~~

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about it.
The trips, the people, the music.
I miss senior year completely, I miss Touring Guitar. :c
I mean I didn't know I could miss being tortured by Yancey for hours upon hours.
Yancey was my guitar teacher. :) He is gay and bald! Thought I would let you all know. He was so fun to be around . . . yet scarry and intimidating. 

This would be the oh so great James Yancey! (Yancey pants, swagless butthole, etc.) Our nicknames for him were endless. He loved them all. He supported our craziness and went along with most of our jokes as well as our pranks. :)

This is what we did after practice, instead of going home it was "ultimate trust fall time!" 

The wheels on the bus go round and round. This is how we traveled. :) In some other occasions . . . in smaller buses. 

Our school stage.


New Mexico was our first real trip. The thing I  miss the most about traveling with these people are rooming with them in crappy little motels. :/ x)

This is what actual practice looked liked. For hours. In this position. Yes. Okay I should probably explain. There were two ensembles. Illuminati and Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem went to Peru. I know lucky them. :/ Anyways the last picture was them at the airport waiting for their flight, a two hour wait turned into a two hour rehearsal.

Yes lucky them. . . they got to go to Machu Picchu! (and all these other places!)

 I have a dream.

Then came Washngton D.C. <3 It was beautiful! We learned a lot and walked a lot. Literally everywhere we went we walked. Yancey would pick someone and tell them to take us to our destination. We ran as well . . . we looked like a pack of goof balls.

This year they got the chance to go to Hawaii. Actually they are probably almost arriving back. I say they cause well. . . I'm no longer in it due to graduating. I say that like it was a disease. Haha well nostalgia is one too!

This is quite old, we now have Cordobas and Sophias. Way better than Ovations!! But this video gives some insight. 

This was about two years ago. The guitars we . . . they use now. Ahh let's tango !

Carpe Diem

The end. For now . . . I need to go do something with my life before I go crazy. LIke my food paper. Yep I haven't started it. 
Till next time. xoxo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Entry#5 Pink Slime..

Why oh why why why? D: 
Why must the meat/food industry be so bad? After watching and reading about Pink  Slime. . . well my stomach couldn't help but feel queazy. I got chills in some parts.
Actually seeing how companies make ground beef and process the meat made me want to never eat it again! I think I won't, I need to figure out how to stay healthy by not eating it but I don't care it's time we all figure it out. 
Gosh why can't they just throw it out? It's not even suppose to be sold . . . it's DOG food!!!!! We are eating dog food!! Ewwwwwwwewewewewew!
Then to add to it all schools allow this . . . schools. 
Where little innocent children go to learn and play. 
The USDA thinks it's okay to feed children this . . . to feed the world this. 
As if this is not enough, we don't even get a label to let us know this is in our food. 
So even if we wanted to stop eating this, we wouldn't know what foods have it and which ones don't? 

I'm done. I will be mad the rest of the day. So so mad. They are so so stupid. 
I'm going to start growing my own food. . . cattle and all. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Poetry Is In the Blood and Soul.

Ever since I was 11 I have kept a journal and writen poetry. Even before that I would write little things here and there. The feeling of a brand new notebook and the smell of ink all over it was what I craved. I know it's a bit weird. Anyways I thought it would be cool to publish some of my short poems for you guys. These were made like some years ago. (I couldn't find my current ones due to remodeling.) :c
My Father's Mug
My father had a mug.
It wasn't any kind of mug.
It was brown with four dark stripes.
It looked like a barrel and smelled like dirt.
When a mug has a smell like that it is thus you know it is a good mug.
An excellent mug at that.
He only drank water out of it and kept it on his nightstand.
He said drinking out of it reminded him of growing up in Mexico.
Even if there is nothing in it he keeps it there, next to his bed.
I guess having it visible brings some sense of comfort to him.
So when he left I found it only reasonable to leave it there.
But my mom washed it and put it away.
I guess she didn't see the same thing I did.
Now the nightstand looked awkward and unfamiliar.
As if stripped down from what few decoration it had.
It looked naked!
Therefor we have come to the conclusion, that the nightstand is nothing without my fathers mug.
Secrets To Heaven
These shoes are too tight. Every step taken is one step on broken glass. The cuts they make and the pain I feel are excrusiating. But I walk in them anyways. This man gave them to me and I gave him everything I had. He said if I wore them long enough they would take me to my heaven on earth. A place I could find quetions to my answers. He didn't mention the shoes would hurt this much. He didn't mention how long it would take. I put my faith in that man. I put my faith in that stranger. I walked and walked. I indulged in the sharpest of pain. But the whole time....I was at peace, at peace with myself, at peace with the world, and at peace with them. Them being my deamons, my shadows, and my past. So then I realized I was in heaven, my heaven on earth. All thanks to a stranger I put my faith in.

I took the shoes off to only discover my feet
where like a porcelain doll.
Two Pearls
These eyes that where not given a chance to see the world on their own sturggle now to even see them through a lense. A lense that protects them too much, these eyes become defensless toward everything. In the dark these eyes feel at home but only get the oppurtunity to see the world in it's dark perspective with only the moon to reasure them that the world is in fact....beautiful.
6 Gold Fish
There once was 6 Gold Fish.
And this is how 5 died.
The 1st was crazy.
2nd jumped out of the bowl.
3d was too skinny.
4th had a red nose.
5th forgot how to swim.
And the
6th will probably die of loneliness.
-Allt this is but a true story of 6 Gold Fish.
I was probably around 14 when I wrote these. Haha I promise you my writing has evolved greatly. I loved going back to these old ones though, I had almost forgoten them. They are all based on experience or true stories. Especially the fishes one. . . that's what happens when you buy the $0.28 fishes at Walmart! Haha let me know what you all think. :) Goodnight Blueberries. ~

Entry#4 Moo? More LIke, Mahhhadka.. *Butchered*

Over the years of school I have been shown many of these films like Food Inc.
Let me tell you it doesn't matter how many you watch, it doesn't make it any easier watching the next one. 
I can watch all the informative ones and be okay with the shock that comes with it but put in a dying, tortured, and being slautered animal and im done! 
I just can't stand seeing animals being abused. It beyond angers me. Animals don't have a voice they can't tell you what they are feeling. I see animals as humans. Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be treated like that? Uh no. Even if they are a big part of our diet there are tons of better ways to get the job done.
I bet you anything everyone prefers this. . .

Over this . . . yet we all settle for it. ?
(Sorry guys I couldn't bare to see the images that would pop up if I had searched, "cow being slaughtered.")
We all know this happens. But I think we chose to ignore it, just because it's good and cheaper. Rather than shopping organic we support the above. We know all this is inhumane already, don't get me started on how unhealty it is. Can you imagine all the hormones and drugs given tho these animals and how they are uncared for, the diseases and bacteria they have? Yeah it ends up on your plate some how some way.
We have to try and change the way we eat in order to save ourselves and mother nature. She gives so much and all we do is take take take. Can you come to think of how everything was done back then before all these factories and technology, where we hunted the food we ate and were at one with the nature and it's pure soil? So natural . . . so organic.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Books in Nooks

I'm a bookworm.
There is something about reading a book that leaves me wanting more.
Im addicted to them like a bee is to honey.
I also talk about books a lot, and am constatnly telling people; "read this, read that."
I esxpect the same back! I love getting told to read a certain book . . . hell yeah! I'm all for it. :)
I've gotten to a certain point where my parents take my books cause it seems like I can't put it down . . . but I'm just like . . "more honey o.o"
So let me tell you about my favorite books!

First to go is just one of my favorite authors in general, Mitch Albom.

Tuesdays With Morrie will forever be the dictionary of life to me. This book is just so amazing and perfect. The lessons and stories Morrie has to tell will make you look at life in a different way, Morrie till this day still consoles me. <3 (Based on a true story. Well I think most of his books are.)

I could explain to you what each book is about but I just wont do it justice. Mitch Alboms style is just raw. These books give you so much advise on life and certain details aboout life like your parents, love, and death. The list is endless these books truly touched my heart, give them a shot you wont regret it. His books will make you cry, and c'mon we all know a book that makes you cry is a damn good book.

I just ordered this. I'm telling you trying to make your own library isn't easy . . . or cheap.

This is his most recent book. I'll get to it there is no doubt about that!

Next to go is Maggie Stiefvater.

Her trilogy Shiver. <3

Yes it is a story about a wolf and a girl. No it is NOT Twilight. It is absolutely nothing like it whatsover!!!

I fell in love with this trilogy. The perspective it is writen in is so in detail and unique.
I love this trilogy so much I did my senior paper on it. Haha I know . . . bookworm. ('.')/
Even though it is a paranormal romance, the romance outstands more than the paranormal part. Give it a shot! :) Sam is to die for . . . literally.

E.L. James

Okay before you go jumping to conclusions hear me out. I admit when this trilogy first came out I was skeptical about it too. Everyone kept saying it's like a mommy book . . . for moms this and that. It's all about sex blah blah. That's why I kept away from it but one day walking around the store with nothing to do I saw it and was like . . . "Why not?"
Well let me tell you I couldn't rush any faster to get the second book. :l  It is not at all what people described it! Yes there's sex get over it it's human nature, but ah! The love oh the love. . . can you tell I'm a sucker for a love story? Gosh this trilogy defines love. I love it! Read it and cry and get mad and get irritated. These books are amazing. Enough said.

Samuel Park

First thing I'm going to tell you about this book . . . I cried. I couldn't stop crying. I was a crying mess! I balled here and there and then again over and over and over. This book will make you cry no matter how tough you are. Take the challenge.
This book is a story of love as well but there is so much to it. The culture in this book is an overload too. You get such an insight to Korean culture it's crazy. This book literally burned my heart.

Please please please let me know of any books you have read and loved. I would love to read them.

Meanwhile if you are looking for a place to shop for books Abebooks is a great place! (Cheap cheap cheap.)
Or if you want to discover other books and stuff Goodreads is another great website.

Yes ^.^

Exactly how I feel after I read a book. Exactly how I look. Could not say it any better myself.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Entry #3 - Wall to the E

Im pretty sure everyone was at aww with WALL-E, I know I was. I haven't seen it in a good while but I don't have to, to remember the scene. Everyone knows the scene . . .
Yup that scene. The scene where everyone is overweight and addicted to technology resulting in complete reliance to it. I'm not going to lie when I first saw it I thought it was funny, seeing it now and realizing this . . .  
 Noooooooooooo . . . It's happening! Watch our roads turn into the blue highlighted lines in WALL-E.It makes me feel sad that this is what our world has come to. Have you seen the look on WALL-E's face as he is walking through all the chairs and how scared he is . . . yup that's my face too!
One part I thought was rather funny was when one guy fell out of his chair and started screaming and panicking. He thought it was the end of the world for him, and little WALL-E just goes and picks him up and puts him back into his chair the best he can. I will cry if that is what our human race succumbs to. 
Haha. Okay stop laughing . . . This is bad, real bad. But sadly in present day this is what it kind of seems like.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Brace Face Chit Chat.

Braces oh the joy! . . . Yes they currently reside in my mouth.
Although they are a pain sometimes I'm quite thankful for them. I have had them on since July of last year and let me tell you my gap closed within the third month! :) My gap was the main reason I decided to get braces, it was a big insecurity of mine, so far the process has been fun and interesting, occasionally painful . . . but hey no pain, no gain.
 My orthodontist says I'll have them in for about a year to a year and a half, that's not too bad. I can't wait to take them off already but I'm also enjoying them while they are with me. 
Anyways, if you are interested in getting braces please please please give my orthodontist a look.
You won't regret it! :)

They are not like your normal ortho group . . . they are cooler and better! :) 

This is Dr. Park he is one perfectionist of an orthodontist and will stop at nothing in order to give you the smile you deserve.

Oh yeah, and they are constatly giving away Ipads, Ipods, digital cameras and all that good stuff. Obviously entering contest and having good hygene will get you a chance to win. One day I'll win! . . . I hope. :)

After some youtube searching I found this ....

Yes I laughed. I so laughed. But goes to show you won't come across another Orthodontist group like them.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, I'll be glad to answer. :)