Sunday, February 23, 2014


Netflix. An obsession that takes over our lives.
If you aren't completely taken over by this website . . . deactivate now 
before it is too late. 

Now for those of you in which it is too late for and you are completely mesmerized by this website, well you know the struggle.
The struggle of spending an hour searching for something to watch, you don't give up of coarse, you keep searching and searching. It is okay, take a deep breath, don't panic.
As a fellow "netflix-er" myself I have spent quite a while searching and searching as well.
I thought I would share with you all some of my good picks.
So you know the struggle will be less of a struggle. :)

Starting off with movies.

Stuck In Love

I have to say this movie is raw and realistic. So if you are looking for some good humor yet appealing emotions and raw life situations. This one is it!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

This is quite an old film, so you may have seen it quite a while ago. 
And yes that is Leonardo Dicaprio. His first film in fact. Wow is all I can say, wow.
Might I add I was bawling like a baby at the end as well as proud. 
That wouldn't make sense unless you watched it . . . just sayin'.

The Host

Now, I have to admit, I was a bit reluctant on watching this simply because I heard harsh reviews on it.
But . . . it's actually not that bad. I mean it isn't the greatest movie of all time. But it will keep your attention, keep you wanting to know what's next, it appeals to you. I admit it made me cry, and now that we established I'm an overly sentimental baby, I can say any movie that makes me cry is a good one.

The Croods

I'm sorry but I enjoy watching animated movies like the 5-year old I know I am deep down inside. 
I always feel like "children's movies" are not just for children. 
They're entertaining, funny, and have great lessons hidden inside them.
This one is definitely one of those.

Now for televisions series.


If you already are not ADDICTED to this show . . . 
I don't know what to say. 
Like . . . are you okay? Are you feeling well? When was the last time you went to the doctor 
to get a plain ol' check up? 
In all seriousness, this show will become your life. Literally, you'll feel like a hunter and think like a hunter. This show will have ALL of your emotions completely invested in it, all whilst you laugh.
Watch. It.

Grey's Anatomy

I know this show might not be for everyone simply because there's always that type of person that is like . . . "But the medical aspect is wrong! That isn't even possible, never in a million years can that ever happen!." Well guess what I don't care! The emotions and the love and the advice and strength this show is all about . . . THAT, that is real. And that is why I almost cry in every episode, that is why I love it.

The Walking Dead

You've watched this right . . tell me you have, you must have had at least watched one episode?
30 minutes? 5?
At first I was like, no everyone is watching it, I'm not going to follow the crowd.
Boy was I stupid. 
Let me tell you I watched all three seasons that were currently on Netflix at the time in 2 weeks.
I'm not even ashamed. This show will hook you. It will HOOK you!!
This is the type of show that will leave you mad for days, leave you mad when the season finally comes, leave you mad every time horrific comes. But it will also make you happy and fill you with excitement. (Also one to make me cry.)

Once Upon a Time

This show is just awesome. The details and the fact that it is about classic fairy tales in a modern world is just . . . mind blowing. A must to watch.

The Vampire Diaries

There's only so much I can say to give this series justice but it won't. You simply need to watch it and trust that you did good by it.


Skins (E4)

Skins is a UK series but you can still find it in the US Netflix. 
If it is any show that is out there that is truthfully raw to this generations teens it is this one. 
Definitely this one.
Your heart will be just in this series and it will feel EVERYTHING.
watch it . . . please.

I can honestly keep going but I think either you've abandoned my post to go sign up for 
Netflix or watch some of these movies or series listed above.
I don't blame you.
Anyways I hope you enjoy some of these and let me know what you think!
Let me know also know some of your favorite movies or series on Netflix.  
Lessen the struggle blueberries.
See you later!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Entry # 3 Underwater Tunes

Technology. Do you love it? Do you hate it?
It's quite a controversial subject believe it or not. 
The other day I was watching television . . . 
a common form of technology as you all know, and then this came up.

This commercial has been on what seems like repeat for a while now so I am pretty sure you all have seen it. (If not I guess you just watched it. *blonde moment*)
My first thought on seeing this . . . cool. So cool.
Swimming is already a peaceful activity, listening to music underwater just might add to that peacefulness. This concept is really simple actually, I don't know why it wasn't invented earlier. But I guess the era of technology is this one, thus that's why it was created now. I think these earphones could do alright in stores, but I think there are other necessities higher in priority instead of this technology bit.

I like the idea of it but, I feel like I would use it for awhile and later on just forget about it. It is interesting to see how technology is evolving though, I can tell you that!
I don't know, what do you guys think? Would you purchase it?
Would you actually use it?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm Barely Breathing.

It took me two hours to post my last post. (I'm posting both blog assignments on the same day because ya know . . . procrastination.)
Almost three . . . I'm probably going to take an hour writing this one.
I tossed and I turned and almost fell asleep.
I usually plan my self-generated blog post for you guys but today I couldn't even find my missing sock when I woke up in the morning. So that should explain everything.
I'm sick!

Literally. Like literally me the whole day. Except my hair didn't look as nice as his. 
For the reason of being sick I didn't go to class today, I figured I would do you all and myself a favor by keeping my evil germs away and sleeping all day. You welcome.

Besides sleeping, I did get up and stumble around my house, but other than that I tossed and groaned in my bed hoping the last breath I just took isn't my last. Okay maybe that's a little dramatic but it sure doesn't feel like it.
I should probably explain what type of sick I am. But see the thing is I really don't know. It's not your regular flu because I also have a cough, and I also have allergies, oh and a fever . . . oh and then there's the whole my lungs feel like dried up raisins that are trying to suffocate me ordeal. 
Help me.

As I know I am not alone in this sort of sickness, I'm guessing some of you have also gone through some sort of weird flu thing just like I am here are some tips to help you survive!

I think this is quite self-explanatory. Although I really hate the syrup version it's probably the most effective. 

Drink freakin' hot tea. Mint tea is a very good type to drink when you are sick. Drink away! 

And last but not least watch movies.

Always a good one to watch any time but I think even more so when you're sick, heck watch the whole trilogy. 

This is a great movie. If you haven't watched it . . . watch it!!! I would explain more about it and how I love the whole writing aspect of it but I am just about to reach zero on what ever energy I have left.

Goodnight! See you later blueberries.

Entry #1 Learning About Blogs

Blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs. I kinda like them, I've always wanted to start one and be completely in love with it as well as successful . . . that hasn't happened yet, but maybe one day I suppose.
Anyways after looking through some I found three worth talking about!

The first one I found was immediately appealing to me, why?
Oh you know . . . 


smitten kitchen sure smittens me. I love this blog, the way it is written is so laid back and enticing. It is not technically a food recipe type blog, it's more like a this is what good food looks like, what it tastes like, and why it is good for you (or some of it at least). Most importantly it is a blog that had great food pictures and that is amazing.

The next blog I visited was not so enticing whatsoever . . .  I couldn't even find any worthy pictures of posting that looked intriguing. . . I mean there was this one.

This blog goes by the name of Whatts Up With That? I could ask the blog that same question. Overall I think this blog was very loaded with content of all things science and stuff. I don't know about you but I'm a type of person that gets her attention caught by visuals . . . and this blog just wasn't doing it for me.

Last but not least is What I Wore . . . yes it's a fashion blog, and I love it! I really like the photography and the atmosphere the blog has. I feel like it isn't a blog but merely a little world with great clothes.

This blog belongs to Jessica, she is lovely! Her blog is a personal style blog so you get to know bits and pieces throughout her blog about her. Let's be honest seeing her pictures, she's love at first sight! Her style is amazing and I love how she shows it.

Okay blueberries, I think I'm done for now. I'll see you in my next post very soon!